Cloud-Based Business Phone Systems vs Traditional Phones

Cloud-based phone system use is on the rise within the small business community and we’re going to compare a few pros and cons of cloud-based phone systems vs traditional phone systems to help shine a light on why it’s become such a popular choice.

Small Business Cloud Phone Systems Portland


Business owners demand flexible solutions that scale to their needs at a moments notice. Here’s a breakdown of the flexibility of traditional phone systems vs new cloud-based phone systems solutions:

Traditional Business Phone System:

  • Pros: You know what you are going to get whether you like it or not.
  • Cons: To add a line, you have to contact your provider and pay to have them come install another physical phone line at your location. This takes time and money away from building your business.

Cloud-Based Business Phone System:

  • Pros: Extremely flexible with ability to add lines and features with the click of a button. Cloud-based phones systmes are scalabale to any number of lines and offer a much wider range of features.
  • Cons: None.

Portable Cloud Based Phone Systems


If you’re a small business owner, then you understand what it’s like to be on the move, making phone system portability very important aspect to review when comparing the new cloud phones vs regular phone lines. Here’s a breakdown of the portability of traditional phone systems vs cloud-based phone systems:

Traditional Business Phone System:

  • Pros: You know what you are going to get whether you like it or not.
  • Cons: Not portable at all. Typically, traditional phone lines are tied to a physical address so you cannot move the phone lines to a new location without installing lines in the new location with IT professional and then port the lines. This is a very costly and time-consuming process.

Cloud-Based Business Phone System:

  • Pros: The most portable business phone system solution available are cloud-based. All you need is internet and you’re good to go and you can even connect wirelessly with mobile hotspots or with an ethernet cable.
  • Cons: None.

Traditional Phone Systems vs Cloud Phone Systems for Business


If you have not already decided to switch over to a could-based phone system for your business, the cost comparison may be the final straw that pushes over to the new technology over the older phone systems. Here’s a breakdown of traditional business phone system costs vs cloud-based business phone systems costs:

Traditional Business Phone System:

  • Pros: You know what you are going to get whether you like it or not.
  • Cons: Very expensive when capared to cloud-based phone solutions.

Cloud-Based Business Phone System:

  • Pros: Very cost-effective for many reasons. Actual line costs are usually lower, the setup and install is easy so you do not have to pay for IT support to run phone lines, the flexibility saves you money because you only pay for what you need when you need it, and the portability gives you the freedom to grow your business as you see fit.
  • Cons: Internet is required for cloud-based phone systems to connect.



If you’re interested in purchasing a new phone system for your business, we highly recommend cloud-based phone systems and through our partnership with Cloud Talk, we are now able to provide the most cost-effective cloud-based phone systems for small and large businesses. No company is too big or too small. From small 1-2 line businesses (great for creative office space or work from home professionals) to large corporations and call centers with multiple locations across the world, our Cloud Talk Business Phones are the perfect solution.


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